Urent And CAFU Collaborate To Make UAE Car Rentals More Convenient, And Exciting


CAFU services will be available on the Urent platform

Joining forces with CAFU, Urent users can now access on-demand car refueling and car washing services. Urent continues to meet trends in a rapidly growing MENA car rental industry, including greater demand for personalized and on-demand services. 

Tech-startup, Urent is focused on revolutionizing the vehicle rental industry, and CAFU is the world’s leading global fuel delivery and vehicle services platform. Today Urent announced a collaboration with CAFU, enabling Urent customers to purchase fuel and car wash vouchers for their vehicles while renting a car, which can be later availed on the CAFU app. A unique service, that is cashless, paperless, and seamless.

"We are very excited to be working with CAFU to be the first to provide an all-rounded car rental experience, something that was never done before," said Omar Al Ashi, the CEO of Urent. "Renting cars has long been an inefficient, manual process. We are not only focusing on digitalization, but also innovation in its finest form– truly delivering an easy, quick and tedious free experience for our customers."

The collaboration represents a bold move by two reliable and trusted companies that are joining forces with the goal of innovating the mobility tech space. The market is rewarding innovators like Urent and CAFU that support a new culture of individuals who prize convenience. It is part of a broader shift in the UAE’s economy, which is seeing accelerated changes and growth in its digital sector.

Digital technology is transforming the vehicle rental business, as exemplified by the Urent-CAFU collaboration. It’s all about making life easier for the customer through technology. With Urent customers now able to access CAFU services so easily, they’ll have a unique experience, one that will surely drive them back to rent again.